Some days I feel as if I run in circles, not actually accomplishing anything. The days I wake up knowing I have 20 things to do but can't seem to start, much less finish any of those tasks are not good days for me. But, I find that with a little preparation and organization, I can get more crossed off of my to do list and overall, simplify my day. And in the end, that's the goal, isn't it? We're all trying to keep it simple.
Cathy Haynie, a super organized wife, mother and Headmaster at a Christian school, wrote an article in Metro Christian Living magazine discussing ways you can make small changes that will have a big impact on your quest to simplify your life.
I know this is a long list and a text heavy post, but even if you only choose 1 or 2 of these suggestions to implement, I really think it will help you save time, decrease stress and overall, make your life a bit more peaceful.
1. Fill up the car when the tank is half full.
2. Keep a magnet pad on the side of the fridge for you and your family to add items to the list as you run out.
3. Keep house plants to a minimum.
4. Keep only one debit card in your wallet.
5. Have a place to drop keys, phone and bag close to the door.
6. Keep a travel toiletry bag packed.
7. Sort mail over the trash.
8. Double and freeze one meal a week.
9. Sort laundry as you go by having a basket for lights and a a basket for darks near where each family member dresses.
10. Pack lunches, work bag, and school bag the night before.
11. Have a place for duplicate keys and stock it for emergencies.
12. Adopt the house rule: Don't just put it down, put it away.
13. Make dinner decisions the night before.
14. Severely limit children's activities, lessons, and sports.
15. Make the bed every day as your feet hit the floor.
16. Pay bills online, setting up auto pay and auto save.
17. Maintain a well-stocked pantry.
18. Keep grocery sacks in the car for trash and quick clean-outs.
19. Have one place for mail.
20. Teach little kids to set the table, middle school aged kids to do laundry, and teenagers to do yard work.
21. Keep evenings free, or at least set a limit to nights out.
22. Use a crock-pot often.
23. Leave 10 minutes early.
24. Don't answer the phone during dinner.
25. De-clutter by clearing off kitchen and bath counters, the front of the fridge, and the console of your car.
26. Keep a supply of household items like toilet paper, light bulbs, and batteries.
27. Always keep a little cash and change in your wallet.
28. Plan 5 to 10 great menus on index cards; menu on one side and grocery list on the reverse.
29. Use baskets wherever you tend to pile clutter.
30. Buy each family member one jumbo package of their own kind of white sock and get rid of the rest.
We already do a lot of these around our house but there are definitely some on this list that I'm looking forward to trying.
The first few we will be implementing at our house are:
#7 -Why I've never thought of sorting mail over the trash can, I don't know, but it's a good idea! Anything to help reduce clutter makes for a good idea!
#11-We only have one key for our van and yes, I've locked it inside before, meaning we need a second van key! Locksmiths are expensive!
#22 -I actually own a crockpot but I've never used it. I hear it helps save so much time!!
Do you have any other tips for simplifying your life that weren't on this list?
Thanks Metro Christian Living !
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