June 23, 2011

FAQ: How To Get Multiple Coupon Inserts


This is a question frequently asked to couponers: “How do people get multiple sets of coupon inserts?".  

Well, here are a few ways you can get multiple sets of coupons each week:
  • Purchase multiple newspapers
    • Easy, but not cheap. Usually, the Sunday paper costs around $1.50-$2. To reduce your out of pocket cost, you can check your local discount store to see if they carry Sunday newspapers at a lower price.
    • Some stores discount any remaining Sunday papers come Monday. Check  your stores to see if they do so.
  • Purchase multiple inserts
    • There are multiple sites where you purchase only coupon inserts, rather than purchasing the entire newspaper. For example, sites such as “Coupons and Things by Dede” & "The Coupon Beat" offer this service. But please make sure it is financially "worth it" before you decide to use any coupon clipping service.
  • Ask friends, family and neighbors for their coupons
    • Chances are, many of your friends and family are throwing away their coupon inserts. Don’t be afraid to ask them for their copies.
  • Befriend the paper delivery person: 
    • Some newspaper delivery people have many remaining newspapers at the end of their Sunday delivery. You can let them know that you would like to get multiple coupon inserts and ask if that would be possible (of course, offer to pay).
  • Search out recycling bins
    • "Dumpster diving" is perhaps the cheapest (but dirtiest) way to get multiple coupon inserts. First, make sure you find out if it is legal to dumpster dive in your state. Then, all you need to do is find a recycling bin, someone to go with and then dive in.  I'll be honest: I am NOT willing to go that far.

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