May 30, 2017

Summer Schedule Ideas

With school ending & Summer right around the corner, parents everywhere (including myself), will be looking for fun, frugal ways to ensure that not only will their children have FUN this Summer, but also, they won't lose any educational skills they may have gained this past school year AND parents won't go crazy in the process! As excited to have a more lax schedule with my daughter, Summer always scares me a bit...we do much better with predictability. So, here are a few options you may find helpful!
  • Summer Schedule:
Sometimes, just having a set plan for the day or week can take so much stress away from me, as a mom. If I don't, I'll look up and it'll be 1:00pm and we won't have gotten anything accomplished that day! This weekly schedule is a great way to split up the week to keep things fun & interesting!
  • Summer Rules:
There are days that my daughter wants to watch TV or play on her tablet all day long.  I'm not against using technology sometimes, but I don't want her to spend all Summer on her tablet or in front of the TV. Thankfully, she usually still loves playing outside with neighbors, too.  Here is a list of easy "summer rules" that my daughter will need to do before she is able to turn on her electronics.
This list of  Summer rules is a great way to keep both myself & her on track. If you'd like to hang the rules at home, you can print off a copy of the rules HERE (or a blank copy HERE, if you'd like to make your own rules).  Want to make this a checklist for your child? Laminate the printable & have them use a dry erase marker each day.



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